Carrots: better to eat them raw than cooked

Eaten in salads, carrots relieve the liver and regulate triglyceride levels. They are also rich in beta-carotene, a very powerful antioxidant. 

It is, therefore, necessary to eat it regularly, but especially not every day, explains Doctor Réginald Allouche, doctor and biomedical engineer.

carrot (vegetables)
Getty Images – carrot (vegetables)

These root vegetables, delicious and inexpensive are particularly popular with French people who eat nearly eleven kilos of them per household and per year, according to the Carottes de France association. 

And since they are available on the stalls in all seasons, you can regularly put them on the menu… provided you don’t overdo it and eat them raw in salads, rather than in a soup or mashed potatoes, as explained by the doctor Réginald Allouche, doctor, biomedical engineer and author of the book “The hepato-detox method” which has just been republished by Flammarion editions.

Why are carrots such a valuable food?

Dr REGINALD ALLOUCHE.They are among the most beneficial vegetables for the health of the liver, an organ that plays a key role in the functioning of the body: it transforms the nutrients provided by food, regulates blood sugar, participates in the synthesis of many proteins, ensures storage of various vitamins and rids the body of many toxic products. 

But it turns out that carrots are rich in enzymes that drain toxins and heavy metals. It, therefore, relieves the liver by preventing it from being overworked. It also normalizes the level of triglycerides, fats that transport unburned sugars, destined to be stored. 

Carrots are also rich in vitamins B, C, and E, as well as beta-carotene, a very powerful antioxidant that fights cell aging and promotes healing. 

That’s why I recommend eating carrots regularly, but especially not every day because excess beta-carotene can clog the liver. And in smokers and former smokers, it can also worsen or trigger lung cancer. The right dose: twice a week.

Why do you recommend eating them rather raw?

When the carrot is raw, its glycemic index – which measures the impact of its consumption on blood sugar levels – is low (16) despite its slightly sweet taste. When cooked, this index is three times higher, which promotes weight gain, the development of diabetes, and the infiltration of fat in the liver. In addition, raw carrots contain more vitamins and mineral salts than cooked carrots.

How best to season them?

To decorate grated carrots, it is best to use a mixture of equal parts of rapeseed oil and virgin olive oil, first cold pressed and organic if possible. 

These two oils are complementary: consumed together, they meet the body’s nutritional needs for essential fatty acids. 

On the vinegar side, beware of balsamic: the one sold in supermarkets at reasonable prices is produced by adding sugar to grape must. 

It has nothing to do with the real balsamic vinegar of Modena, the price of which is stratospheric (more than 90 euros per liter). Instead, opt for lemon juice or wine, sherry, or cider vinegar. Fresh aromatic herbs, spices, pickles, and capers are also welcome.

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